My Zen Path
Dear reader,
My Zen Path completed 7 years on 25th November 2022. I haven't been able to add new posts here in the last 6 months, so there were no newsletters either. This is largely due to my full-time work that takes up most of my mental space currently.
However, starting next month I plan to resume the monthly newsletter. I also hope to write more regularly here. I have a few more plans for 2023 as I “slow up”, and I'll share them in my newsletters.
In this newsletter I'm sharing 7 recommended posts from the last 7 years. Do go through the excerpts, see the images and see if something resonates with you.
reader, I would love to hear your inputs on one of these. It's an elixir that never fails to motivate. :-)
Looking forward,
~ Manish @
February 14th, 2025