My Zen Path

Dear reader,

This is the last Saturday of the year and I hope you all are looking forward to the new year with new aspirations.

This weekly newsletter # 5 brings one of the most powerful talks that I have ever heard: Dying to be me from someone who had an incredible near-death experience. 

My Zen Path will not have any new article in the next week and consequently there will be no newsletter in the next week. I am rethinking nature and frequency of the articles/posts that I write on My Zen Path. As a result, the newsletter frequency might reduce as well. 

I'd love to know what type of articles you like reading on My Zen Path - whether you like short articles, or longer ones or the ones with video etc. Please write to me at zenman (at) myzenpath [dot] com about it. Please include titles of the posts that you have liked so far to give me a better idea. 

This is the last week of the poll that we have been running through December 2015 to find out how many of us are interested in having 'Community Discussion Forum' on website. Please vote for your choice on the poll page or in the widget poll as it would help me decide & implement it accordingly. 

It is always a pleasure to read your feedback. Do write back with your comments, feedback and few words of encouragement at zenman (at) myzenpath [dot] com

I wish you a very happy and fulfilling new year and I also wish that you find more ways of expressing your authentic self in 2016. 

Thank you!
~ Manish @
July 27th, 2024

Dying to be me

Dying to be me

Though I am largely agnostic about reincarnation and near-death experiences (NDE), I was quite intrigued by Anita Moorjani’s story. My friend Madhura introduced me to her story few months ago. Anita Moorjani's genuineness about her own experience is more than evident. Besides, her insights are very valuable and thought-provoking indeed. I have also read her book Dying to be Me: …

