My Zen Path

Dear reader,

I hope you're enjoying your work, life and finding ways to be yourself in various aspects of your life. 

This newsletter brings the second part of my previous article In Search Of Meaning called: In search of calling that delves deeper in the discussion of calling, purpose and how to find your own purpose. There is yet another interesting discussion and talk about The puzzle of motivation in which Daniel Pink explains how Autonomy, Mastery and Purpose are three crucial aspects of the intrinsic motivation. 

Moreover, as I had informed in another special newsletter earlier this month, I am conducting a course Exploring What Matters for 8 consecutive Saturdays along with my friend Sandeep Gautam starting from 25th June 2016 in Pune, India. This is a unique and inspiring 8-week course from Action for Happiness to explore what matters for a happy and meaningful life. The course is based on the latest scientific evidence and is intended for people of all backgrounds. This course is run on suggested donations and participants can choose to pay as per their wish to AfH. The course contents and philosophy of the course are very much in line with My Zen Path and I am looking forward to be a part of learning and exploring during this wonderful course. I'd highly recommend you to join this course if you are interested and based in Pune. You can read more about this course under My Zen Path events: Exploring What Matters Course.

As always, you can add your comments, feedback on the website or write to me directly by replying to this mail. 

I may not be able to write much in the first few weeks of June but I hope to make up for it later in June & July. 

I wish you a great weekend and a wonderful month ahead! 

Thank you!
~ Manish @
July 27th, 2024

Annu Gupta Kathak

In search of calling

This is the long pending second part of my previous article: In search of meaning. I couldn't finish this one as I was busy with few other commitments and writing this was a bit challenging for me. One because of the time constraints, and secondly because it is rather difficult for me to articulate insights or connections that I see …


The Puzzle Of Motivation

The puzzle of motivation

This talk by Dan Pink is related to the article I had posted last month: What Drives Us? Understanding Motivation. In this insightful talk, Pink expands on the core idea of motivation discussed in his book - Drive: The Surprising Truth About What Motivates Us. Dan Pink explains that if-then rewards or carrot-stick approach for intellectual work can often cause more …


Exploring What Matters - Dalai Lama

Exploring What Matters

Do you want to be responsible for your own happiness? Do you want to take positive actions for your own happiness? Do you want figure out how to be happy and achieve peace of mind? Do you want to explore how we can value our relationships? Do you want to be happy at work? Do you want to create happier …

Read more.
