My Zen Path

Dear reader,

This newsletter contains two wonderful TED talks related to the future self  in the article The future self that you want to be...! 

This is an interesting newsletter and I have written it well in advance since I'd be backpacking in the north-east India when this newsletter is delivered on 26th Nov 2016. My Zen Path completed 1 year on 25th November and I am happy the way it is shaping up. In the next few months, I am planning to write few more exclusive stories here featuring some interesting individuals. 

Also, on this first anniversary I would like to request all its readers and subscribers to write back the story or article that you liked most and why you liked it.

Moreover, if you're significantly touched by any of these articles, stories or if you have picked up something insightful about yourself from our personal interactions, please send your inputs or personal stories. I might share few such stories here either with your name or without it depending on your own preference. 

Your inputs would be immensely helpful as I am planing next steps for My Zen Path

Wish you a great weekend and wonderful month ahead!

Thank you!
~ Manish @
July 27th, 2024

The future self that you want to be…

The future self that you want to be...

This is quite an interesting discussion about our future self and I am sure it would appeal to most of us. It did appeal to me, because I have experienced it first-hand and I continue to experience it every now and then.  I think we all experience that we decide to do something (say exercise) for a better future self,  …

