My Zen Path

Dear reader,

This newsletter contains an article Personality Inventories that I have been planning for quite some time. Moreover, I have been writing it for almost a month - it needed lot more research, references and I have also created a couple of illustrations for this article.     

This article covers three important contemporary personality inventories: The 16 PF, The Big Five and MBTI in details along with links to official as well as free tests. 

Additionally, the newsletter features the Top-5 posts of 2016 and gift wallpaper that I had shared in the new-year newsletter.  

Do send your feedback or queries via email and feel free to add comments on the articles on I know few readers have already used these inventories and I would be glad if they could add their inputs on this article. It indeed encourages me! 

Have a great weekend and purposeful month ahead!

Thank you!

~ Manish @
February 14th, 2025

Personality Inventories

Personality Inventories

A personality inventory is a  questionnaire or other standardized instrument designed to reveal aspects of an individual's character or psychological makeup. It helps to reveal the respondent's personality traits. There are several types of personality inventories - some of them are generic personality inventories and some more specific in terms of what they intend to assess - autonomy, locus of control …


My Zen Path Gift : Wallpaper

Top 5 articles from 2016

The year 2016 was a wonderful year and I could research and write about some of my favorite psychologists/psychiatrists such as Carl Jung, Carl Rogers, Abraham Maslow and so on in the Personality Theories series. I have also enjoyed writing about Amit Godse, my long review of Barry Schwart'z book and few other articles. We have top 5 articles of …


My Zen Path Gift : Wallpaper

My Zen Path Wallpaper 2017

This is a simple gift from My Zen Path on the eve of new year - a wallpaper that you can freely download and use it for you laptop, PC or other devices. Please do no modify this wallpaper and keep My Zen path watermark intact on the photo. However, feel free to share it as it is with anyone and …

