My Zen Path

Dear reader,

This newsletter features story of a bohemian lady - Thais Pires De Andrade. She is a healer who traveled from Brazil to India to learn Ayurveda and now moved to Eurpoe to pursue her calling - to learn to heal through Shamanism. She has an interesting and inspiring journey so far and I am sure she would continue to live her life that aligns with her own soul.  

Do add your comments and feedback on the site or by replying to this mail. 

Have a great weekend and wonderful month ahead!

Thank you!

~ Manish @
July 27th, 2024

The dancing healer - Thais Pires De Andrade

The dancing healer

"In my experience Yoga is like a father and dance is like a mother!" Thais told me in one of our conversations, and I think that aptly sums up this young lady's love for her chosen work that brought her from Brazil to India - and now to the world. Thais Pires De Andrade is an interesting lady from Brazil …

