My Zen Path

Dear reader

I received some warm mails and feedback on the completion of four years of My Zen Path. I have added some of these to my anniversary post that you can read it here - Four years of My Zen Path

This newsletter brings an intriguing discussion, and it also connects lot of dots with respect to efficiency, increased productivity, its relevance, its pitfalls and times when we don't even need it. That also reminds me of the question by Dan Ariely - is meaning more important than efficiency in the current knowledge economy? 

Do read and send your comments. Here is wishing you a purposeful new year 2020. May you find more avenues to experience and express your authentic self in the coming year. 

Manish @

July 27th, 2024

Speeding Up & Efficiency

Speeding Up & Efficiency

Anyone in the current work culture doesn't need to be briefed about speeding-up and efficiency - they are integral part of work culture across the globe. Yet, we do not fully understand the behavioural affects of this life in the fast lane. In this article I am exploring some of those affects with the help of couple of TED talks …

