My Zen Path

Dear reader

I couldn't finish any article/story last month due to prior work commitments and one prospective project that I was excited about. I spent significant time, efforts evaluating and researching for that; however, eventually it didn't work out. Anyway! 

To make up for the last month, I am writing a longish newsletter and I have also completed Imposter article that I have been planning since last couple of months. It is one of those articles where I enjoy connecting lot of distinct pieces to offer theme based insights - do take time and go through the article videos and linked resources. 

There are few interesting updates from the last two months - Esther Duflo and Abhijit Banerjee won Nobel prize in Economics and it was quite reassuring to read that some of their studies corroborate quite well with what Barry Schwartz has emphasised in his book Why We Work. I have added link to their article 'Economic Incentives Don’t Always Do What We Want Them To'  in my review of the book linked above. If you haven't read it - I would highly recommend it.

Rohan & Sharayu conducted a musical program 'Sa our Meetha' in Pune where they discussed stories from their one-year long travel with Sharayu singing songs in 15 Indian languages - I really enjoyed that program and I'll definitely announce it when they plan it next time. 

Also, like rest of the world I am also concerned about Covid-19 and I am following 21-days lockdown that is announced in India. Isolation is also a nice opportunity to look inward - to explore what really matters and what fulfils us personally. I plan to write more often in this isolation including here on My Zen Path.   

As always, your inputs are most welcome and I request you to add them s comments if they could add more value to the article, story itself. I am hoping you could add your own favourite illustrations and/or comic strips to this month's article - Imposter? as its co-creators. 

A fellow traveller,
Manish @

February 14th, 2025



Serendipity works, or at least it has started working more often in my case of late. I have been planning this article for a long time (but it got delayed due to work commitments) and few days ago I was talking to a friend about some of my experiments in computer vision (AI related) and he suggested that I should …

