My Zen Path

Dear reader

The extended lockdown continues in my state due to the pandemic. I have gotten bored of binge watching, video calls and those webinars (didn't attend many). As I suggested last time, I also spent time completing some online courses and I am building few apps to help my friends and family - that's my bit of creation.

I had some nice discussion with few friends about "Creating & learning" suggestion from the last month's article The bliss of solitude, and some part of that discussion has triggered the featured article - Creation, beyond utility.

This article explores if it is possible to create for the sake of creation without considering it usefulness. It is more of a reflection and drawing insights from different experiences and people.

Do let me know your input on this one, and if you could start those discussions on the article itself, that would be even better. :-)

A fellow traveller,
Manish @

July 27th, 2024

Creation - Origami

Creation, beyond utility

Creation for the sake of creation? Will you be able create something only for the sake of creation - just because you enjoy creating it? Without really worrying about the end-results from the word go? Without really worrying if the final creation would be somehow useful? Creating only because you want to create it? And while creating it, have you …

