My Zen Path
Dear reader
This newsletter brings an article based on inspiring journey of a British sailor, Tracy Edwards - Navigating your own boat... It is story of grit and finding a purpose larger than herself. She is a gypsy at heart and I know many of the My Zen Path readers & fellow gypsies would love to watch her Maiden voyage, it has been made into a film as well. Beyond the obvious inspiration, I see her story more like a fable - about navigating our own journey, and I have tried to connect those dots.
I have also updated my review of Ikigai with a wonderful illustration by business leader & author Tanmay Vora. Do check, the picture is indeed worth thousand words.
Do write back with your comment or feedback, or add inputs to the articles themselves to make them more helpful.
A fellow traveller,
~ Manish @
February 14th, 2025