My Zen Path

Dear reader

This newsletter features an article Finding joy... based on a beautiful TED talk about Joy by Ingrid Fetell Lee. She distinguishes joy from happiness and discuses importance of smaller joys in your everyday life. Being a designer researching joy for a decade, she also unfolds its relation with colours, shapes and so on. This is a short but insightful video that I'd highly recommend. It also helped me to reconnect with an old song that I loved as a teenager, I have linked it there.

My friend & fellow MyZenPath member Ashish Kumar is running a wonderful online program based on the theme - Understanding and re-directing technology with some thought-provoking books and essays by Yuval Noah Harari, Charles Eisenstein and few other eminent thinkers. This  program requires some regular time commitment and willingness to analyse, discuss these writings. I'd request you to explore its contents and see if you'd like to be a part of it.

I am researching 'The new normal' and 'Future of work' topics with respect to the current Covid-19 pandemic and its effects on our lives and economy for my own article. If you come across any insightful article, podcast or video about these topics, please share them with me by replying to this mail.

As always, it would be a pleasure to read your inputs & feedback - do write back if something resonates within. 

Manish @

January 26th, 2025

Finding Joy

Finding joy...

For this article I actually started out researching more on 'future of work', the 'new normal' and so on; but it is rather gloomy, hazy and everyone seems to be predicting future world from what they are experiencing within their ambit of exposure. There's already a plenty chatter all around us with the pandemic and its uncertain repercussions. I'll save …

