My Zen Path

Dear reader,

This newsletter is out of schedule because my work has become more demanding these days. I've somehow managed to get it out on the last day of the month. :-)

This newsletter brings a new piece - Why do we buy expensive stuff? In this post I primarily emphasise that the material possessions do not bring joy by themselves. It is usually our unique, personal engagement with them that makes it joyous. 

It also reminds me of the old article here - Does money bring happiness? Have a look at it if you want to delve deeper. 

subscriber, do read it and share your inputs - how do you engage with your favorite possession?

~ Manish @

February 14th, 2025


Why do we buy expensive stuff?

A few months ago, a friend purchased a high-end motorcycle that is more expensive than a sedan car. In a typical Indian context, it means that he spent approximately 18x more to purchase a motorcycle compared to an entry level motorcycles. When I was discussing it with him, he talked about his dreams of long-distance touring, and off-roading on his …

