My Zen Path

Dear reader

This is a special newsletter and hence it is being sent on Sunday instead of Saturday as it happens usually. This day, 25th Nov 2018 marks 3-year anniversary of MyZenPath launch and I couldn't have found a better person to celebrate this occasion - a renaissance soul personified. This newsletter features Dr. Sharda Bapat's incredible story -  She is a lawyer, businesswoman, leading AI in healthcare, who started her medical education journey after 35. The story is covered in two parts as I believe it deserves this length. Do read and share your comments on the site itself - she would love to read them as well.

I have enjoyed writing Sharda's story and I hope you'll enjoy reading it. Feel free to share it with your friends and family.

This week I have also started My Zen Path YouTube channel which features MyZenPath exclusive videos and I also plan to curate a list of TED tasks or other relevant videos on this channel. We can get our custom URL for this channel if we have more than 100 subscribers, so do your bit and subscribe to this channel. 

Do send in your suggestions about what you'd like see here on MyZenPath, I will try to incorporate some of these. Wishing you a great weekend and purposeful month ahead.  

~ Manish @

July 27th, 2024

Sharda Bapat

Playing her own tune ~ Sharda Bapat

Sharda cried through her examination as she wrote her papers (Earlier story: Walking her own path). She however scored well in her final examination eventually and got admitted to Wadia Hospital to start her journey of medical education. She spent almost all her savings for this medical education. The arduous journey of  becoming a Doctor Her life after joining the medical …


Sharda Bapat

Walking her own path ~ Sharda Bapat

If I hadn't met Dr. Sharda Bapat myself, I wouldn't have believed that this person could be real. I know many medical doctors who actively pursued other interests and they became really good at it. But I don't know a single person who started his/her journey to become a doctor after 35. Sharda Bapat's journey is almost incredible - she …

