My Zen Path

Dear reader,

This newsletter brings a short but important post about Building Confidence based on a TED talk by Brittany Packnett. It is interesting that it mentions importance of community in building confidence. Do watch it.

In another news, Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi, the father of 'flow' concept passed away earlier this month on October 20, 2021 (see news). His legendary flow theory has been influential in my work & life. I had mentioned about his flow in my last article - Stagnation to flow.  His legacy lives on...

As always, do share your inputs if something resonates.  

Manish @

July 27th, 2024


Building Confidence

This a short post containing just a single important point - how to build confidence? Brittany Packnett is a writer and educator, and in this talk she makes a compelling case for one of the most important soft skills -  Confidence. Confidence is the necessary spark before everything that follows. Confidence is the difference between being inspired and actually getting …

