While selecting most read articles for 2019, I have only chosen the articles that were published in 2019, and not the older ones. Rohan’s two part story as My Zen Path exclusive became quite viral last year. Surprisingly, Speeding Up & Efficiency article that was published recently in December 2019 also features here. Few people have shared it on LinkedIn and Twitter and that made it popular in a short span of time. One insightful feedback I received on this article was – “The title doesn’t represent the depth of knowledge in the article”, and I agree that the title could have been better because essentially the article discusses rethinking efficiency.
Here are the top 3, most read articles from 2019.
1. He quit his IT job to travel ~ Rohan Sadadekar

Rohan Sadadekar worked in a well-paying corporate IT job for 6 years, but didn’t really love what he was doing there. His mind was wandering, and he wanted to travel – so he planned for few years, quit his job and took a year off with his girlfriend Sharayu to travel India. Though I have primarily spoken to Rohan about his journey and career transition, Sharayu is an important part of this journey and his life. Read more… (March 2019)
2. Career Interests Inventory

Career Interests Inventory, popularly known as Holland Codes (or Holland’s Occupational Themes) is used commonly for career counseling and guidance at various stages of career. It is based on the research of Dr. John Lewis Holland, who was an American psychologist and Professor at Johns Hopkins University. In my earlier article How to choose your career, I had emphasized on exploring who you are and what you love doing. Read more… (June 2019)
3. Speeding Up & Efficiency

Anyone in the current work culture doesn’t need to be briefed about speeding-up and efficiency – they are integral part of work culture across the globe. Yet, we do not fully understand the behavioural affects of this life in the fast lane. In this article I am exploring some of those affects with the help of couple of TED talks and connecting it with few other essays and books. Read more… (Dec 2019)
Other popular articles
Besides these top-3 articles, there are few other articles that continue to attract readers. Among those articles, Personality Inventories is the most read article on My Zen Path now. The two-part series I had written about Dr. Sharda Bapat and her journey to become a doctor is still quite popular. How to choose your career? often gets curious young readers as well.
As for my favourites, I liked writing Being creative and Finding work-life balance from the last year. What are your top-3 on My Zen Path from 2019? What resonated with you? I’d love to know.
Wishing all My Zen Path readers a purposeful and prosperous 2020. 🙂
About the featured image:
Featured image by Larisa Koshkina from Pixabay and I am using it here with gratitude.