Why do we buy expensive stuff?
A few months ago, a friend purchased a high-end motorcycle that is more expensive than a sedan car. In a … Continue reading Why do we buy expensive stuff?
A few months ago, a friend purchased a high-end motorcycle that is more expensive than a sedan car. In a … Continue reading Why do we buy expensive stuff?
Regret – The universal experience In this TED discussion, Daniel Pink (a best-selling author of books on work, creativity and … Continue reading Learning from regrets
Many of us all over the world have seen our work changing drastically in the last couple of years since … Continue reading Curing burnouts
Money is undeniably one of the most important aspects of our career and work-life. This post and the featured video … Continue reading The money relationship
When Manish asked me to guest write a column for My Zen Path, I was honoured but also confused. My … Continue reading Teaching her way – Sunanda Khosla
This a short post containing just a single important point – how to build confidence? Brittany Packnett is a writer … Continue reading Building Confidence
Most of us are still coming to terms with the changes that we are witnessing in our work & life … Continue reading Stagnation to flow…