Why do we buy expensive stuff?
A few months ago, a friend purchased a high-end motorcycle that is more expensive than a sedan car. In a … Continue reading Why do we buy expensive stuff?
A few months ago, a friend purchased a high-end motorcycle that is more expensive than a sedan car. In a … Continue reading Why do we buy expensive stuff?
Regret – The universal experience In this TED discussion, Daniel Pink (a best-selling author of books on work, creativity and … Continue reading Learning from regrets
Some of us engage in two kinds of work – one for the kitchen, one for the soul. In other … Continue reading All of yourself…
We all are in an unprecedented situation all over the world now due to SARS-CoV-2 (Covid-19) virus, and in India … Continue reading The bliss of solitude
Serendipity works, or at least it has started working more often in my case of late. I have been planning … Continue reading Imposter?
Career Interests Inventory, popularly known as Holland Codes (or Holland’s Occupational Themes) is used commonly for career counseling and guidance … Continue reading Career Interests Inventory
I came across this TEDx talk that provides a nice little addition to the article that I posted last month … Continue reading What does it mean to be yourself?