This is yet another experiment to create and offer a simple gift– a wallpaper that you can freely download and use it for you laptop, PC or other devices. Please do no modify this wallpaper. However, feel free to share it as it is with anyone and use it wherever you want.
This wallpaper uses a beautiful quote about work and leisure by English educator, philosopher L. P. Jacks. I love this quote and it goes very well with the theme of My Zen Path. As I had written in the article How do you look at your work?, people who see their work as calling find that their work is an integral part of their identity, for them it is inseparable from their life. I think this quote articulates this feeling brilliantly, almost like a poem –
The master in the art of living
draws no sharp distinction between
his work and his play,
his labor and his leisure,
his mind and his body,
his education and his recreation.He hardly knows which is which.
He simply pursues his vision of excellence
through whatever he is doing
and leaves others to determine
whether he is working or playing.To himself, he is always doing both.
~ L.P. Jacks
The photo you see is a Crimson Rose Butterfly and I have captured this at the butterfly garden in Pune. It was sipping nectar merrily while carrying out pollination. This graceful & colourful butterfly seemed apt to symbolize confluence of work & leisure!
You can click on the image below to download the large-sized (2560 x 1707) wallpaper!

And here is another variation of the same wallpaper –