The year 2016 was a wonderful year and I could research and write about some of my favorite psychologists/psychiatrists such as Carl Jung, Carl Rogers, Abraham Maslow and so on in the Personality Theories series. I have also enjoyed writing about Amit Godse, my long review of Barry Schwart’z book and few other articles. We have top 5 articles of 2016 based on the highest number of views.
The first one, My Zen Path exclusive about Amit Godse’s honeybee venture is not a surprise because I have seen it going viral on social media, especially Facebook where it got 5000+ reach in a single day. However, I am little surprised that one of my favourites, Why We Work is not there. I have been told personally by few readers that they really found it quite insightful and thought-provoking. Anyway!
Here are the top 5 articles of 2016 and excerpts from each one of them.
1. Honey, I saved the bees!

Around March 2013, Amit’s witnessed killing of thousands of honeybees as the pest control agency used insecticide and removed the beehive from their apartment. To his dismay, he discovered that this work was classified under pest control and obviously, it was carried out without any concern whatsoever for the bees. The killing of thousands of bees really disturbed him. Read more…
2. In search of calling

I believe calling or purpose is something that is deep within a person’s being. It is an essential part of his/her own existence and identity. It is something we enjoy doing immensely – it may or may not be a part of our chosen work. Sometimes, we are not even aware of what it is exactly or more often we cannot see the patterns among few random things that we really enjoy doing.
Vikram Vyawahare is a young man in his early 20’s. After his engineering, he was working for a reputed MNC as a program analyst. However, his heart was in wildlife so he often volunteered for several wildlife outings. Read more…
3. In search of meaning

Finding meaning is profound and essential part of our life. Whether we realize this or not, as Carl Jung says: We cannot stand meaningless life! Yet, at times many of us feel that our life is meaningless. When life, work or relationships seem meaningless, many people resort to different things – some distract themselves with pleasures of various kinds, some try to seek meaning through spiritual gurus, and so on.
Why is meaning important? Read more…
4. Reflections on corporate resignations

Corporates also exist to maximize profits through their work. Often bottom-line and maximizing productivity result in pushing individuals in work-schedule that makes their life incredibly hectic leaving little time for their family or other interests. Unless the key stake-holders firmly believe in providing meaningful work and offering better work-life balance to their employees, individual corporate workers have little control over the work that they do and how they do it. Read more…
5. The Puzzle Of Personality

In this TED talk, Dr. Little talks about the classic dimension of personality assessments: Extroversion Vs. Introversion. He briefly mentions Big 5, and then elaborates introversion in details with his unmistakable, humorous insights. He explains how extroverts seek stimulation and introverts avoid over-stimulation, which is obviously subjective. Read more…
Do let me know your favourite article from 2016 and your reasons for liking it! 🙂